
Wolves At The Gate zapowiadają nowy album “Wasteland”!

2025 March 9 | Sylwia

Amerykańska formacja Wolves at the Gate powraca z zapowiedzią kolejnego, szóstego już krążka w swojej dyskografii. Album zatytułowany “Wasteland” ma ukazać się 30 maja za pośrednictwem wytwórni Solid State Records, z którą grupa związana jest od początku swojej kariery. Pierwszym singlem promującym nadchodzący materiał jest kawałek o tytule “Parasite”, który wraz z powstałym na jego potrzeby teledyskiem znajdziecie w poniższym odtwarzaczu (muzyka startuje w 8 minucie) oraz w streamingu. Dla przypomnienia dodajmy, że poprzedni LP grupy pt. “Eulogies” ukazał się w 2022 roku.

Wokalista grupy, Steve Cobucci o nadchodzącym albumie i singlu:

“Throughout the whole album, we are exploring different concepts through the lens of a broader narrative and story. […] with “Parasite”, we wanted to write a song that explores the relationship between a parasite and its host. It’s such a powerful metaphor for the way that we all relate with our own weaknesses, tendencies, and sin. […] There’s a sense in which we hate the way that we continue to go back down the same dark paths, but we only walk those paths because there is something we want and something that we are getting out of it. We can say that we hate it as much as we want, but there is something enticing about it. It is a song essentially about the insanity of sin. The very thing that we crave is the very thing that hates us and wants to kill us. Chasing after sin is a bottomless pit. Always promising but never satisfying. […] The chorus line captures that idea saying, ‘And I died a million deaths to live.’ That’s the picture that I see of my own sinfulness. I chose to dive into things that I knew would result in a million deaths thinking that it would give me life and regardless of how many times I saw how shallow and empty it was, I still chased after it. This song is a lament of a reality that I know all too well. And so I wanted to write a song that would shine a bright light on it for me to remember that sin is an empty promise that leaves you hollow in the end. The same way a parasite feeds on you until you have no life left to give.”

Wolves At The Gate - Wasteland 2025 01. INT[r]O
02. [The Wasteland] PAIN
05. wandering
06. LAW OF THE [Waste]LAND
07. SMOKE [False Devils]
08. withering
10. wasting