Like Moths To Flames opublikowali dwa nowe utwory!
2021 April 30 | Sylwia SaramaAmerykańska grupa Like Moths To Flames opublikowała dwa nowe utwory będące kontynuacją ich wydanego w ubiegłym roku wydawnictwa “No Eternity In Gold”. Kawałki zatytułowane kolejno “Basilisk” oraz “Inherit The Tragedy” znajdziecie oczywiście w poniższym odtwarzaczu lub tutaj.
“Both ‘Basilisk’ and ‘Inherit The Tragedy’ are songs that I was super torn on cutting from the record”, “’Basilisk’ covers the experience of being so rooted in your own problems that you’re detached from what’s happening around you. I think we all tend to get stuck in letting our struggles become our identity. ‘Inherit the Tragedy’ follows the more classic themes that band has offered out in the past. We’ve never been a stranger to writing songs focused on cutting the chord from someone who becomes dead weight”. – Chris Roetter.