Formacja ALAZKA zakończyła działalność.
2020 September 20 | Michał PiaszczyńskiW ostatnim czasie grupa ALAZKA przeszła spore zmiany, po odejściu jednego z wokalistów zespół wydał 2 single; “Dead End”, oraz “Living Hell”. Mogłoby się wydawać, ze wszystko zmierzało w dobrą stronę, jednak dziś zespól ogłosił zakończenie swojej działalności. Poniżej znajdziecie oficjalne oświadczenie kapeli.
“One day or another all good things must come to end. And as hard as it is to write these words, here we are announcing the end of ALAZKA – an absolutely incredible chapter of our lives and the wildest journey we could have never imagined when we started this band over 8 years ago. But over time perspectives and people change and the time comes to move on to new challenges. All the countless memories and friends we’ve made along the way will never been forgotten. We will forever be grateful for the loveliest fans we could have asked for and last but not least the incredible team of people that have always had our back in the good and the bad days.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to every single one of you. We will miss you all.
“Be the phoenix rising from the ashes.”
With love,
Tobias, Marvin, Julian & Lotze”