
Basista Michael Owens odchodzi z Secrets.

2014 May 12 | Sylwia

Większości z was znana jest amerykańska kapela Secrets, nie ma co się oszukiwać, że ktoś z nas nie śledzi poczynań artystów z Rise Records. Tymczasem wyżej wymieniona kapela właśnie rozstała się ze swoim basistą Michaelem Owens-em, który już wczesniej był nie obecny w czasie ich ostatniej trasy po Stanach Zjednoczonych. Poniżej znajdziecie jego oficjalne oświadczenie, a tutaj możecie zobaczyć ostatni klip kapeli do utworu “Maybe Next May”. Piosenka ta pochodzi z najnowszego wydawnictwa grupy zatytulowanego “Fragile Figures”, które na rynku zawitało w zeszłym roku.

“Hey guys it’s Michael, as you all know I took the Hollow Bodies tour off with Secrets, and after the hardest decision I have ever had to make I have decided to not return to the band. I can never thank the band or you guys enough for what you all have given me, you gave me a start, a chance to follow my dreams, to tour more countries than I can count, you made me feel right at home when I joined that band, but it wouldn’t be fair to them or you guys if I were to continue in a band that I wasn’t happy in. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what dream you are following or what you are doing, if you aren’t happy with yourself, you will never be happy, I am just trying to be happy. So with that being said I am still always here for you guys, those were my favorite moments over the past two years getting to be a part of your lives, having you guys trust me enough to let me into your personal lives, knowing you counted on me and I could always count on you, I cherish that bond and that will never change, if you ever need anything feel free to message me on any social networking site. I have always supported you and your guys dreams, to change the parts of your life you need to change, to get a fresh start if you need one so I hope you guys are there to support me while I work on mine. I love you guys and I will see you soon. Thank you for everything. Shout out to all Secrets Clan.”

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